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8th Annual National Summit for Health Communication

The Society for Health Communication (SHC) holds its 8th Annual National Summit for Health Communication June 17-18, 2024, in the Washington, D.C., metro area and online.

This year’s Summit theme is “Meeting the Evolving Needs of Today’s Health Communicators: Synergies, Strategies, and Solutions.”

The 2024 Summit promises to be a dynamic and forward-thinking event, offering cross-sector health communication professionals invaluable opportunities to stay at the forefront of their field. Through solution-oriented discussions, interdisciplinary best-practice sharing, and a focus on practical applications, attendees will gain knowledge and strategies to effectively navigate the ever-evolving health communication landscape.

NORC is a proud sponsor of this year’s Summit.

As a sponsor of the 2024 Annual National Summit for Health Communication, NORC will have over a dozen staff in attendance this year. Join us in D.C. or online to explore the latest trends, innovations, and research in health communication science. 

NORC proudly continues its deep involvement with the Society throughout the year by joining the Summit this year. Our staff have served in numerous founding and leadership roles in the Society, including: NORC’s vice president and director of the Center on Equity Research, Dr. Ashani Johnson-Turbes, who currently serves as the president of the Society; Dr. Jennifer Berktold, principal research scientist at NORC, who is a member of the Society’s Advisory Board; and Dr. Amelia Burke-Garcia, director of NORC’s Center for Health Communication Science and founding member of the Society. Numerous other staff are members and regularly participate in various meetings, webinars, and events throughout the year.

Event Details


June 17-18, 2024



Arlington, VA

Featured Research

The Center on Equity Research (CER) conducts research to advance equity through the development, implementation and dissemination of high quality, inclusive and equitable social science research methods. The CER also provides methodological advice to ensure that NORC gathers rigorous data that includes and represents a diversity of people, their thoughts, and experiences.

NORC’s Walsh Center is focused on conducting research that can improve the health and well-being of rural Americans. We partner with residents, health providers, public health departments, and other organizations to examine topics that are important to rural communities such as access to care, emergency preparedness, mental health, Medicare payment policies, tribal medicine, veterans’ health, and the rural health workforce.

NORC uses a variety of research and communication methodologies to inform strategies that promote personal health decisions and healthy behaviors. Our experts identify, develop, implement, and evaluate comprehensive, integrated, science-based approaches. For greatest impact, we ensure that these strategies, programs, and interventions are culturally and linguistically relevant to the diverse communities our clients wish to serve.

Health Communication AI

Combining the trust-building ability of digital opinion leaders with the scalability of AI to revolutionize health communication

A Study of Women’s Health Needs in the U.S.

A major study of women in the U.S. from countries with high rates of female genital mutilation


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Reproductive Health

Featured Experts

Explore NORC Health Projects

Drug Pricing Explained

Examining the path to market of five prescription medications to understand the forces that shape the cost of treatments


Arnold Ventures

Dementia DataHub: Visualizing Diagnosed Dementia in Medicare

The nation’s first data system reporting cases of people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias


National Institute on Aging