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Christopher Hansen

Pronouns: He/Him

Senior Research Methodologist
Christopher is a survey methodologist with special expertise in sexual and gender minority population research.

Christopher Hansen is a senior research methodologist in the Methodology & Quantitative Social Sciences department at NORC at the University of Chicago. He has extensive experience in the areas of survey and questionnaire design, cognitive and usability testing, and multi-mode data collection, including web, telephone, and in-person modes. He has advised NORC clients in the federal, corporate, and nonprofit sectors on issues related to data quality and measurement error, the use of emerging technologies to engage hard-to-survey groups, and considerations for data collection in English and Spanish. Hansen’s research focuses on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) measurement in the context of sexual and gender minority (SGM) and general population survey studies. His current work explores multidimensional measurement of gender, longitudinal SOGI data collection, and SOGI proxy reporting. He is particularly interested in how SGM status intersects with other systems of stratification, including age, race, and ethnicity.

Since joining NORC in 2018, Hansen has worked as a methodologist on studies such as the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods with Harvard University, the National Domestic Workers Alliance Labs Methodology Review, and the Paraguay Democracy and Governance Project with USAID. This includes three survey studies with the CDC’s Division of Adolescent and School Health: the Survey of Today’s Adolescent Relationships and Transitions, the COVID Experiences Longitudinal Surveys, and the Teen and Parent Surveys of Health.

Hansen teaches university courses in sociology and has presented on topics related to survey methodology at national conferences, including the American Association for Public Opinion Research, American Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management, the Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine, and the National LGBTQ Health Conference. Prior to NORC, he held research and evaluation roles in nonprofit, university, and government settings.



Loyola University Chicago


University of Chicago


College of William and Mary

Appointments & Affiliations

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology

University of Illinois Chicago

Project Contributions

Democracy, Human Rights & Governance: Learning, Evaluation & Research Activity

Generating and promoting the use of data, evidence, and learning to inform DRG programming worldwide


U.S. Agency for International Development

Emerging Strategies to Improve Health Outcomes for People Aging with HIV

Helping HRSA evaluate strategies to improve the health of older adults with HIV


Health Resources and Services Administration

NDWA Labs Methodology Review

Methodological consultation for one of the largest surveys of Spanish-speaking domestic workers in the U.S.



Survey of Today’s Adolescent Relationships and Transitions

Understanding sexual behavior of Black and Latino young men to prevent HIV


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Adolescent and School Health

Testing Violence Prevention Messages and Materials

Supporting CDC’s efforts to improve resources for parents and anti-violence practitioners


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Violence Prevention
