A leader in strengthening global development efforts.
Solving the world’s most vexing development problems requires policies built on data, not wishful thinking. NORC’s International Programs department generates evidence and supports the use of evidence to inform development efforts in 100+ countries.
INPRO has extensive experience in mixed methods impact and performance evaluation as well as assessments, evidence reviews, performance monitoring, research translation, and learning. Our expertise ranges from gender-based violence and education to democracy and governance, land tenure, food insecurity, and counter-trafficking in persons.
Department Leads
International Programs Experts
Miguel Albornoz
Senior Research Director -
Protik Ali
Principal Research Scientist -
Varuni Dayaratna
Senior Vice President -
Carlos Echeverría-Estrada
Research Scientist -
Audra K. Grant
Senior Research Scientist -
Greg Haugan
Research Scientist -
Renée van Wisse Hendley
Associate Director -
Jeremy Horowitz
Senior Research Scientist -
Sutherland Miller III
Principal Research Scientist -
Erika V. Keaveney
Senior Research Scientist -
Brian Kirchhoff
Senior Research Director -
Kareem Kysia
Program Area Director -
Hannah LaPalombara
Research Scientist -
Jacob T. Laden
Senior Research Scientist -
Sarah Chamness Long
Senior Research Director -
Katharine Mark
Vice President -
Alicia Menendez
Senior Fellow -
Alex Mijares
Senior Research Scientist -
Alexandre Monnard
Senior Research Scientist -
Ritu Nayyar-Stone
Principal Research Scientist -
Alejandro Ome
Senior Research Scientist -
Lauren Persha
Principal Research Scientist -
Ingrid Rojas
Research Scientist -
Santadarshan Sadhu
Principal Research Scientist -
Anna Solovyeva
Research Scientist -
Sheldon X. Zhang
Senior Fellow -
Cathy Zimmerman
Senior Fellow -
Clifford Zinnes
Senior Fellow
Discover Our Research
The scope of our work is as wide as the world around us.