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California HPD Health Care Analytics Consultation

Receptionist in a doctor's office talks to a woman holding a baby
Providing analytic support for California’s All-Payer Claims Database (APCD)
  • Client
    California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI)
  • Dates
    June 2023 – Ongoing


California wanted to make its Health Care Payments Database (HPD) more useful to researchers, policymakers, and health care stakeholders.

The Health Care Payments Database (HPD) is California's All Payer Claims Database (APCD). It collects health care claims and encounter data from California payers to:

  • Increase health care cost transparency
  • Inform policy decisions on quality care provision
  • Support efforts to reduce health care costs and disparities 
  • Drive innovative, cost-effective health care solutions

The California Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI) aims to expand the HPD's comprehensiveness by improving data quality, volume, and variety over time, enhancing its value for policymakers, researchers, and health care system stakeholders.


NORC has partnered with HCAI to improve the quality and comprehensiveness of the HPD data and data products.

NORC leveraged its expertise in health care data analytics to perform a variety of services for HCAI, including:  

  • Collecting information from various stakeholders to create an analytic product using the HPD that addresses stakeholder needs
  • Conducted multiple analysis to display the valuable applications the HPD has to both federal and state agencies
  • Providing recommendations to help improve the quality and completeness of the HPD


NORC continues to collaborate with HCAI to ensure the HPD accomplishes its goal of increased transparency in health care.

The various tasks NORC has performed help improve the quality and application of the HPD.

With the analytic product NORC is creating, stakeholders will be better informed about health care costs, patient experience, and be able to follow an aggregate of Californians across providers.

As the project moves forward, NORC will continue to create additional analytic products and recommendations for improvements to data quality and collection in the HPD.

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