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Megan Coffman

Pronouns: She/Her

Principal Research Director
Megan has experience designing, implementing, and managing mixed-methods research projects.

Megan is a principal research director at NORC where she leads teams in conducting policy analysis on a wide range of health care quality topics.  Megan has over 10 years of experience researching primary care related research questions. Currently, Megan is the lead on technical assistance activities that are focused on optimizing health outcomes. She is an expert at conducting qualitative interviews, focus groups, and site visits. Coffman was the Task Lead on Physician-Focused Payment Model Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC) for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) supporting the review of physician-focused payment model proposals. 

Prior to joining NORC, Megan was at the Robert Graham Center, a primary care research center. While at the Graham Center, Megan led research studies on a variety of topics from telehealth and care management to workforce and medical education.

Megan served as a Peace Corps Volunteer.

Project Contributions

Provider Resiliency Evaluation

Rigorous evaluation of three programs addressing health care workforce burnout and mental health


Health Resources & Services Administration

Reducing Health Disparities Through Quality Improvement

Helping to embed health equity into Medicare and Medicaid services


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Office of Minority Health
