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Qatar National Education Data System

School children wearing school uniforms in Qatar
Creating a system for measuring the impact of nationwide education reforms
  • Client
    Government of Qatar
  • Dates
    2002 – 2010


The State of Qatar needed a way to measure the impact of education reforms.

The State of Qatar enacted a decree in November of 2002 to establish a new K-12 education system, embracing reforms meant to enable its students to compete in the 21st century global economy. To support this effort, the Supreme Education Council contracted with NORC to design and implement an integrated system of data collection, management, and analysis to evaluate the progress and outcomes of the education reform project.


NORC designed a system for gathering and synthesizing survey data.

NORC developed a sophisticated system to collect data about schools, students, school staff, and parents nationwide, including quantitative and qualitative data about the educational environment. We produced and processed millions of pages of questionnaires and student assessments, crafted materials and protocols, and trained staff to collect high-quality data in a culturally sensitive, effective manner. We also designed instruments and sample management procedures to support monitoring, policy evaluation, longitudinal research, and international comparisons. 

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