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Jenna T. Sirkin

Pronouns: She/Her

Principal Research Scientist
Jenna is a health services researcher with 20 years of experience designing and leading mixed-methods research and evaluations.

Jenna is a principal research scientist who uses qualitative, implementation science, survey, econometric, and community-based participatory research methods. Her scholarship focuses on Medicaid/Medicare financing and delivery, state health policy, behavioral health access and integration, care delivery transformation in primary care and safety-net systems, and community health and well-being.

Her portfolio for the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) includes mixed-methods evaluations of state payment and delivery models, such as the Vermont All-Payer Accountable Care Organization Model, the Pennsylvania Rural Health Model, and Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program. Her work with agencies, foundations, and local organizations examines the effectiveness of evidence-based models for care delivery, access, and coordination across community-based settings. She also has a portfolio of work focused on professional well-being and factors associated with access to care.

She was formerly at Abt Associates, adjunct faculty at Northeastern University and associate director of the Brandeis University Council on Health Care Economics and Policy. She engages with community members, policymakers, and implementation partners throughout the design, research, and dissemination process. She brings international development experience and is co-author of Breaking the Poverty Cycle: The Human Basis for Sustainable Development as a Rotary Fellow in Mexico City.

Sirkin's research spans a variety of topics related to healthcare access, behavioral health, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, including examining primary care’s challenges and responses during the pandemic (2023); generating and reporting electronic clinical quality measures from electronic health records (2022); and assessing behavioral health needs and access in Massachusetts during the first year of COVID-19 (2022). Other notable work includes studying mental health clinician acceptance of new clients in Massachusetts (2020), exploring consumer and stakeholder perspectives on access to outpatient mental health services (2017), and quantifying wait times for outpatient mental health services in Massachusetts (2017). Sirkin has also researched the basics of behavioral health care access in Massachusetts (2017), the financing of behavioral health services at federally qualified health centers (2012), and evaluated the Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (2020). Additionally, Sirkin has contributed to research on substance abuse treatment, including managing care for patients with substance abuse disorders at community health centers (2014), and the on-site provision of substance abuse treatment services (2012). Her work also covers community health reform, such as achieving excellence in community health centers and implications for health reform (2012). Sirkin has investigated increasing the engagement of Latinos in mental health services through community-derived programs (2012) and evaluated an HIV/AIDS prevention program for Mexican elementary-school students (2007). She also co-authored a scale for measuring personal agency and empowerment (2007).

Additionally, she has published two books: The Incentive Cure: The Real Relief for Health Care (2013), and Breaking the Poverty Cycle: The Human Basis for Sustainable Development (2010).



Brandeis University


Brandeis University


Tufts University

Honors & Awards

Daniel B. McGilis Professional Development and Dissemination Grant | 2016

Abt Associates

Public Health Systems Research Student Scholarship Award | 2014


Provost’s Dissertation Award | 2014

Brandeis University

Dissertation Award, Heller School Alumni Annual Fund | 2013

Brandeis University

Dissertation Fellowship, Elliot M. Stone Memorial Fund | 2011

Massachusetts Health Data Consortium

Conference Scholarship, From Disparities Research to Disparities Interventions | 2011

Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute

Project Contributions

Managing Unhealthy Alcohol Use in Primary Care

Implementation and evaluation of screening, intervention, and treatment for unhealthy alcohol use


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Massachusetts Lawyers Demographic and Law Practice Data

Develop an interactive data tool to examine demographic and professional characteristics of Massachusetts lawyers


Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Standing Committee on Lawyer Well-Being

Environments Promoting Wellness & Resilience (EmPWR) Evaluation

Exploring the influence of the built environment on mental health and well-being within domestic violence shelters


New York City Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity (NYC Opportunity)

Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic & Treatment (EPSDT)

Assessing and analyzing state availability, delivery, and provision of EPSDT benefit services


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Evaluation of the Vermont All-Payer Accountable Care Organization Model

Evaluating Vermont’s efforts to improve health outcomes and reduce health care spending


Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Evaluation of the Pennsylvania Rural Health Model

Assessing efforts to improve the financial health of rural hospitals and maintain access to care


Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation within the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Massachusetts Lawyer Well-Being Study

Understand lawyer well-being and how it varies by demographics, employment type, and workplace environment


Board of Bar Overseers Massachusetts

Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act Evaluation

Evaluating behavioral health-related programs funded by Illinois cannabis tax revenue


Division of Mental Health Services (DMH) within the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS)

Vermont Global Commitment to Health Demonstration Evaluation

Understanding the impact of Vermont’s Global Commitment to Health Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver


Agency of Human Services, State of Vermont