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Columbia University Campus Climate Student Survey

Large stone building with Library of Columbia University written at top, tall ionic columns, and many steps with various people walking and sitting
Exploring students’ sense of inclusion and experiences with cross-cultural interactions, antisemitism, Islamophobia, and freedom of expression
  • Client
    Columbia University
  • Dates
    April 2024 - December 2024


Columbia University wants to understand its students’ experiences with cross-cultural interactions, antisemitism, Islamophobia, other forms of discrimination, sense of belonging, and freedom of expression. 

Recent political events, particularly in the Middle East, have spurred high levels of student activism at institutes of higher education, including Columbia University. As a result, Columbia’s leadership has a heightened awareness of their community members’ sense of belonging on campus and the University’s responsibility to protect religious and cultural identities. Columbia is especially interested in learning about community members’ well-being and experiences with cross-cultural interactions, antisemitism, Islamophobia, and freedom of expression on campus.


NORC will collect survey data from Columbia University’s student populations.

NORC will survey the Columbia University student community about their campus experiences in general and as they relate to cross-cultural interactions, antisemitism, Islamophobia, and freedom of expression-related experiences. The survey will include all types of students—those enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, and professional (law and medical) schools across campuses. Data will include perceptions of the campus community, sense of welcome and belonging, and awareness of campus resources. Additional data will focus on identity and sense of inclusion, concerns about and experiences with cross-cultural interactions, antisemitism, Islamophobia, freedom of expression on campus, the impact of the Israel/Palestine conflict on campus, and other related topics.


Survey results will inform Columbia’s efforts to enhance the campus climate. 

NORC will provide Columbia with a de-identified data file, a comprehensive methodology report, and a key findings report. We will customize the data and analysis to align with the institution’s interests and needs, including allowing further investigation into sub-populations of interest. Columbia will use the findings to raise awareness and address issues, thereby enhancing the campus experience for their community.

Are You a Study Participant?

Questions about the survey? View our FAQ below or contact us.

Project Leads

Additional Project Leads

Justine Bulgar-Medina

Research Methodologist

Methodology & Quantitative Social Sciences

FAQ for Survey Participants

Columbia University is inviting its student community—undergraduate, graduate, and professional (law and medical) students—to participate in this survey on campus climate. With the current global political environment and events in the Middle East, the University wants to learn more about students’ experiences on campus involving culture, religion, inclusion, and expression.

This survey of the 2024 campus climate at Columbia University will provide insight into students’ experiences with cross-cultural interactions, antisemitism, Islamophobia, and freedom of expression on campus. Also, the survey will enable the University to better understand students’ sense of belonging and well-being on campus. Through this initiative, the University can better support students’ cultural and religious identities as well as enhance the campus experience for all their members.

Key data will include perceptions of the campus community, sense of welcome and belonging, and awareness of campus resources. Additional data will focus on identity and sense of inclusion; concerns about and experiences with cross-cultural interactions, antisemitism, Islamophobia, and freedom of expression on campus; impact of the Israel/Palestine conflict on campus; and other related topics.

All Columbia University affiliated and matriculated students are invited to participate in the survey. We want to hear from all students, and the best way to do that is to complete and submit your survey before the data collection period ends. Because we want to hear from all students, we may offer incentives if there are specific populations we have not heard from during data collection. 

Yes. The privacy of participants is critical. To make sure survey participants feel comfortable answering questions freely and candidly, all data will be completed and analyzed by NORC researchers. No one beyond NORC will have access to individually identifiable responses. The University will not know who responded to the survey or how anyone answered the questions. Individual identifiers will be kept by NORC under password-protected files or on a secure server with restricted rights and will not be shared with the University. Results will be reported only in aggregate groupings so there is no method to identify individual participants or associate particular responses with any individual.

NORC will provide the University with a de-identified data file, methodology report, and a summary of findings. All reported data will be in aggregate to protect respondent confidentiality, and no individual responses will be reported. The de-identified data file will contain no personally identifiable information, and NORC will take steps to mask the data so that responses cannot be linked with any specific individual through a combination of variables.

Your participation is encouraged but not required. Likewise, should you choose to participate, you may skip any questions that you do not wish to answer.

The survey should take about 10-20 minutes to complete. If you are unable to complete it in one sitting, the survey instrument will save your spot so you can return to it later.

Columbia University is sponsoring the survey. They have contracted with NORC to administer the survey and collect and analyze the data.

NORC will prepare a summary of findings for Columbia University, and the University intends to share this information to raise awareness and address issues.

NORC is an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution that conducts survey research in the public interest for government agencies, educational institutions, private foundations, nonprofit organizations, and private corporations. NORC collects data to assist policymakers, researchers, educators, and others with crucial issues facing the government, organizations, and the public. Past uses of NORC’s work have included shaping public policy, drafting laws, and determining how tax dollars and other resources are used. For more information about NORC, please visit our website at

If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to your participation in the 2024 campus climate survey at Columbia University, please contact NORC at the University of Chicago by email at

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